Friday, August 3, 2012

What about Kale?

One of the joys (and trials) of the CSA box is that each week you are presented with new opportunities to figure out how to cook vegetables which are not a regular part of your shopping list.
The past few weeks have given us the opportunity to consider kale.

It is great as a vegetable stir fry with onions and garlic.  It is also good with Costa Rica Gallo Pinto.

Still more kale arrived this week and we tried this recipe which had been recommended:

Baked kale chips

Wash and dry kale and tear the leaves into chip size pieces. (Discard the stems.)
Coat lightly with oil (I used sesame oil which has a nice flavor but olive or another oil work well).
Spread out on a cookie sheet and salt lightly.
Bake at 350 F for 5-10 minutes.

These are great!

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