Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Real bread.
I've been making bread for a long time.  First by hand and then with bread machines.  My latest machine is a Cuisinart (purchased at Costco) which has a "Rapid bake" cycle which only takes one hour and works very well.
It's hard to find store bought bread which is real 100% whole wheat.  It also has lots of odd ingredients (dough conditioners??) and always too much salt.  Most commercial bread has about 400 mg sodium per 100gm (2 slices).  Since I use only 5 gm salt (2 gm sodium) in an entire loaf, it ends up at about 150 mg sodium per 100 gm.


350 gm water (you'll need to adjust this to the right dough consistency)
1 tsp. (5 gm) salt
300 gm whole wheat bread flour
75 gm ground flax seed

40 gm gluten flour
10 gm baking yeast

Lately I've been adding 100 gm sunflower seeds to make a nice nut bread. 

I just put everything in the bread machine and use the Rapid Bake (1 hour) cycle.  Works great.
I've given the weights of the ingredients since I've found the easiest way to measure is to just put the bread mixer pan on the scale and add the ingredients directly by weight.  That way you don't end up with a lot of measuring utensils which need to be cleaned.  I use metric grams since pounds and ounces and cups and teaspoons drive me crazy.

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