Sunday, April 14, 2013

Eat less!

A new article in the British Medical Journal explores an interesting "natural experiment" that took place in Cuba from 1990 to 1995. During this time of economic crisis, Cuba experienced a shortage of food and fuel for transport and agriculture. The result was that people ate less and exercised more. (For transportation, Cuba distributed more than a million bicycles and people walked more.) During this five years, the average adult weight dropped 5 kg (10 pounds).
It is unusual to have an entire population go on a low calorie diet like this and also increase their exercise.
The result was immediate and dramatic. Deaths from heart attacks and stroke dropped precipitously almost from the start. Deaths from diabetes and rates of diabetes started to drop after a few years.
After 1995 economic conditions improved and people started to gain back the weight they had lost and also had access to more motorized transportation so they exercised less. The result then was an increase in heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.
The message here should be clear. Eat less. Exercise more. Live longer. Live healthier.

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