Thursday, July 23, 2015

Palm Oil - Just say no!

The problems of palm oil have recently be highlighted in various news stories. I'd like to summarize the case against palm oil.
- Bad for you
- Bad for the environment
- Bad for communities

Palm oil comes from a type of palm tree which has a nut high in oil. This oil is high in saturated fats, unlike most other vegetable oils. This makes is suitable for many manufactured food and cosmetic products.

Bad for you

However, the high saturated fat content means that it is not as healthy as other vegetable oils and studies have shown a relationship to cardiovascular disease. The FDA has concluded that it is not a safe substitute for trans fats (which have recently been banned).
Unrefined oil does contain carotenes which might be healthy but these are removed during refining and processing so all you get from the processed oil is the unhealthy fat. Processing palm oil also involves oxidizing the oil which increases its saturated fat content and makes it less healthy.

Bad for the environment

High demand from the food processing industry has led to large areas of Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria and other producing countries becoming deforested. Often virgin jungle areas are clear cut and burned to plant palm oil trees. This has led to loss of habitat for endangered species and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Bad for communities

Indigenous communities have been hard hit by the expansion of palm oil plantations. Often their lands are appropriated and they are forced into subsistence labor on the plantations.

Palm oil is everywhere!

Palm oil is used in a wide variety of food and cosmetic products.
Foods such a manufactured bakery products (bread, pizza dough, cookies), margarine, chocolate and instant noodles all contain palm oil. Its also found in lipstick, detergent, soap and shampoo.
Here is a list of some products containing palm oil:

It should be noted that most of these are manufactured products where you can find home made or commercial alternatives which do not contain palm oil. So please read labels carefully and avoid palm oil. Your health, the environment and the world community will benefit.

Palm oil is often labeled with these names:
INGREDIENTS: Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Fat, Palm Kernel, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Fruit Oil, Palmate, Palmitate, Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Elaeis Guineensis, Palmitic Acid, Palm Stearine, Palmitoyl Oxostearamide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Kernelate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Sodium Lauryl Lactylate/Sulphate, Hyrated Palm Glycerides, Etyl Palmitate, Octyl Palmitate, Palmityl Alcohol